HANDSOME UP PUMP- MANHOOD ENLARGEMENT PUMP is a tried and tested penis enlargement device, it will help you achieve the penis growth you’ve always desired.
Not only is it a highly recommended simple, effective way of enhancing the size of your penis in both length and girth but it can also help men to greatly enhance their performance. It is guaranteed to give you the confidence you’ve always dreamed of without any harmful side effects.
It is very easy to use and you will be amazed by the result.
How does the Handsome up Penis Pump work?
This Penis Pump uses air to increase the size of your penis. It has a bulb and cylinder connected by a thin rubber tube.
The cylinder is attached to a lubricated sleeve. Place this sleeve over your penis then steadily pump the bulb by hand. When the bulb is pumped, air is pulled out of the cylinder, creating a vacuum.
This vacuum helps draw more blood into the penis, strengthening its tissue, which will cause an erection.
The vacuum allows for an expansion of the tissue and results in an increase in penis size. How long does it take for the Pump to work?
For fast and effective results, it is recommended that you build up to 45-60 minute sessions when using the Pump.
It is best to start performing full-length sessions at a gradual pace. Initially, pump for 10-15 minutes, 4-5 times per week and then progressively increase as your body gets used to the pumping.
Simply make sure the vacuum is held for 5-10 minutes, released, and repeated a number of times, as if you were weight lifting.
If you want to INCREASE your manhood then this Pressure Penis Enlarging Pump is for you!
This pump has 3 silicone sleeves for extra comfort whatever your size. It has a POWERFUL suction pump to enlarge the penis QUICKLY AND PAINLESSLY.
The Handsome Up Penis Pump has a smooth, sleek design with a translucent chamber so you can see the results.
When used on the recommended regular basis of 3-5 times per week it is usual to achieve permanent gains of up to 1.5″ in length and .75″ in girth based over a 3 month period.
This up penis enlarger pump helps in achieving LARGER, STRONGER HARDER and LONGER LASTING ERECTIONS.
Free delivery is available within EAST AFRICA