

MENOSAN HERBAL KARONJI OILPILLS contains herbal ingredients, which contain phytoestrogens, which help to deal menopause
symptoms like dryness, night sweats, mood changes, sleep problems etc.
Key Benefits
1. Menosan helps in managing and preventing menopause symptoms.
2. It provides relief from symptoms like insomnia, night sweats, etc.
3. It has been made from natural ingredients that are safe.
4. It helps to regulate the urinary system and prevents urinary tract infections.
5. Menosan works as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Theory (HRT).
6. It helps to make the postmenopausal state quite comfortable.
7. Menosan consists of properties like antioxidant and antimicrobial, which helps to protect the body from free radicals and other disease-causing microbes.
8. It helps to regulate hormonal balances and improves hormone utilization.
9. The ingredients used in Himalaya Menosan are clinically proven and safe